Monday, July 17, 2006

Bill Clinton...need I say more?

"The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die"- Bill Clinton speaking to a crowd at a fund-rasing event for a Jewish Charity in Toronto.

What?!?! Is what I am remembering true? Could it be that Slick Willie would actually grab a rifle to fight for Israel? Willie was out of his prime and talking out of his ass once again when he said this in 2002. He hid when he actually had a chance to grab a rifle, lay in a ditch and die for this country, but instead he headed for the hills of Canada.

What this shows me, is Clinton is just as full of shit out of office as what he ever was while in office. Can you imagine what the World would be like if this would have happened while he was in office? 9/11, wow probably would have turned into Armageddon.

It still amazes me how people's "Legend" (especially in their own words) grows as the years go by. Silly Willie, we already know you can't be trusted. Haven't you done enough damage as is?


At July 17, 2006 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enlighten us Cranky.

At July 17, 2006 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clinton was an absolute embarassment to this country. Those that embrace him & (Hildabeast)do so out of shear stupidity. They simply chose to see and hear and believe what is convenient and fits into their happy little world view. Thank Slick Willie (& Mr. Peanut) for N. Korea, Osama, 9/11, Israel, Iraq, Somalia... Should I go on? He swept things under the rug (maybe to get them out of the way of the interns?) and now we must pay the price. A fair number of the problems Bush has had to deal with are the direct result of Clinton's negligence.

The more someone loves Hilly&Billy, the more they hate W. They accuse conservatives of being narrow minded, closed minded, fools... I firmly believe than history will vindicate George W. Bush--as long as he acts like a Republican with some fortitude over the next 2 years. (I think the mic catching him using an "explative" when speaking to Tony Blair is hilarious, by the way. Oh, my, George said the "S" word to describe terrorist activities!)

As an aside, Jimmy Carter needs to go crawl into a hole in Georgia and shove some boiled peanuts into his pie hole and stop screwing things up. I mean, four years of punishment was enough. Don't go away mad Mr. Peanut, just go away.


At July 17, 2006 9:34 PM, Blogger Diego said...

Well spoken Angel...well spoken.


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