Friday, September 29, 2006

A Democrat wanting to use the RELIGIOUS Golden RULE...and still cannot quote it right.

“This is a time when the Golden rule should be in effect. Do not unto others, what you would not have them do unto your troops, your CIA Agents, Your People in the field.” -Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

What the hell is that suppose to mean Ms. Pelosi? To think there is a freaking possibility she will be third in line to the President if she wins this coming November? These Democrats are not interested in protecting Americans, but their interests are in protecting the terrorists.

I am tired of the Democratic Party’s thinking that we are the ones who have made the terrorists upset. These same Liberal Kooks think President Bush started the war on America from Terrorists by retaliating against the actions of 9/11, but this is just not so. These terrorists have hated Americans for a while now, just look at the different attacks by al-Qaeda during the Clinton watch and all he wanted to do was send a couple of missiles at an ‘Aspirin’ factory five years after the initial attack (WTC bombing of 1993). Oh yeah, maybe he did that to take some attention off of him and the Lewinsky scandal.

Folks, the terror tribunals are about protecting us, the Americans, from the terrorists. The terrorists are our enemies, why do we need to be nice to them? For those who think if we leave them alone, they will leave us alone, you are an ignorant dumb ass. Their goal is to kill every American that does not convert, with the slogan being, “Convert or die” and these Democrats think we need to be nice. Fuck being nice.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Liberal Smear tactics...

Driving to and from work everyday I enjoy listening to talk radio as it is my time to unwind or get geared up for the work day ahead of, or behind, me. Listening on a regular basis I have heard many acclaims by the media and I opened this mornings’ ‘USA Today’ paper and noticed contradictions in what I am hearing and what is being printed throughout the Liberal Media outlets via the Internet and newsprints.

Reading articles from the ‘USA Today’, and browsing through and a reader would form the opinion of the following:

  • The Economy is tanking with each and every passing day while under the Bush Administration
  • Unemployment is on the rise as the decrease in Economy slows industries and businesses down to a staggering halt
  • Gas prices are dropping as a result of the Bush Administration and the GOP
  • Home sales are on the decline because we, the participants in the Economy, are disgusted at the Economic failures of President George W. Bush and his policies

Let’s take a look at what is actually happening around us in the U.S. and let’s try to digest this information together. First on my list is the fact that the Economy is not actually tanking but is thriving as is evidence with the Dow Jones settling in at record highs that have not been this close since January of 2000. I am not exactly sure where the media gets off on this blatantly false tangent that the Economy is slumping, of course though President Bush is mentioned so let’s chalk this one up to a Liberal writer wanting to smear the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

Next on my list of debunking this crap is the talk about unemployment increasing and the effects this has on the seemingly ‘slumping’ Economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, the unemployment rate is at 4.7% which is down from August (having a percentage of 4.8). Now folks do the math, these are not the staggering high numbers the media would want you to believe and in fact, the media never discloses the unemployment number they are speaking of. With that said, let’s chalk this one up to a Liberal writer wanting to, again, smear the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

Are you beginning to see a pattern with where I am going? Pressing forward to the Gas prices, ‘USA Today’ conducted a gallup poll of 1000 participants and 42% of those polled see a direct correlation between the decrease in Gas and the Republican Party wanting to gain more votes this November. Well that blows my freshmen level ‘Economics 101’ class legitimacy out and maybe it is time for me to ask for an Educational refund from the University of Alabama. Here I thought the price of items was a direct influence of the supply and demand of the particular good(s). Just think that I proudly voted for George W. Bush, not once but twice, what was I thinking? I know he must have a ‘hotline’ where he picks up the phone and tells the person answering what the price of gas will be for that day. Hmmm, lucky 8 ball says $1.89. I hope you, the reader, can sense my sarcasm in this and maybe you too can realize that we need to chalk this one up to a Liberal writer wanting to smear the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

The last topic that I noticed quick fallacies in was that home sales are dropping off and the market has become ‘cold’. That was one article and then the next article I clicked on had a completely different story all together. Let me debunk this for you- ‘New’ home sales are decreasing even though the mortgage rates have dropped tremendously lately but home sales have not dropped but have indeed picked up again. This completely contradicts the article which was written with an intent to sway public opinion that the Economy is shutting down and it is all Bush’s fault. This is not true though and I spoke with a member of the Home Builder’s Association and found out that expectant decreases in ‘New’ home sales occur every year about this time.

The big times to move are during the summer months when kids are out of school, that and no one wants to worry about buying a brand ‘New’ home just before the holiday season. It’s not because they are strapped on cash but because of inclement weather conditions which can possibly delay a house being built by adding up to four months past the original completion date. Again, let’s chalk this up to a Liberal writer wanting to smear the Bush Administration and the Republican Party.

Conservative-Majority readers- do not buy into this ploy of the Liberal Media whose obvious intent focuses primarily on destroying the public opinion of the Republican Party just five short weeks from the November 7th Elections. Oh yeah, don’t forget about President Bush as well. The closer we get to election time the more outrageous the stories will become. This is not the mastermind of a conspiracy in work, but the mastermind of an Administration which is finally reaping what they sowed, beginning back in 2001.

Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Labor Statistics

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Biach Say WHAT?!?!

Does anyone have any ‘Bitch-b-gone’ spray that Conservative-Majority can borrow? Hillary Rodham Clinton (or Hitlery Rotten Clinton as we like to call her) is defending her promiscuous hubby, Bill, with attacks on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over which president, Clinton or George W. Bush, missed more opportunities to help prevent the September 11th attack back in 2001.

Obviously this has broken out over the interview given by Bill Clinton to Fox News which aired on Sunday with Clinton making some outrageous comments about how obsessed he was in capturing Osama bin Laden and how this is a right wing conspiracy.

I do not want to get back onto the entire ‘I tried’ fiasco because we’ve already wrote about it, in fact Click Here to read it. But folks, do you realize this is all we will hear about if Hillary runs for the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008 and actually wins? Bill will be back in the oval office yet again, using the coat tails of Hitlery to attempt to increase his legacy as a former President of the United States.

Results of the poll question asked...

Did the Clinton administration do everything in their power to stop al-Qaeda?

Yes- it's all Bush's fault 9%
No- it's all about Accountability 91%
Maybe- if he would have left that woman alone 0%

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Welcome aboard...

Conservative-Majority would like to take the time to announce the new addition to our team, Maverick. He and I go way back to my early, early college days and we look forward to having him on board to give us his insight.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I can already hear it now....

The Conspiracies are being created with various stories being aligned. What could cause this? Well none other than gas prices being at a third straight two week drop. The national average gas prices are as follows

  • Regular $2.42 (previously $2.65)
  • Mid-Grade $2.53
  • Premium $2.64
  • Lowest Average price survey was in Des Moines, Iowa with the average regular price at $2.07/gallon.
  • Highest Average price survey was in Honolulu, Hawaii with the average regular price at $3.03/gallon.

Obviously this must be the works of the evil GOP, or you would think that from the various blog sites, interviews from CNN, MSNBC conducted by Liberals throughout the U.S. blaming the Republican Party.

I actually had an encounter earlier on a blog site (before I had completed this post) on how the Republican Party is conspiring against the Left by lowering the price of gas. Question: When will they (the Left) stop setting the stage for their defeats come November?

Since September 1st, I have seen or read about the Republican Party doing the following:

  • Politicizing 9/11 to gain votes (Stupid conspiracies trying to place blame on the U.S. Government though history tells me terrorists picked September 11th, not the GOP)
  • Lowering gas prices (Economics class taught me in 2003 that supply and demand affect the price, not the GOP)
  • IF (and it is a big if) Osama bin Laden is dead, this is a ploy by the GOP to gain more votes (Why not be excited an evil man is deceased?)

I will be glad when the days come that the Left can have some balls, be ‘Men’ so to speak and admit when they have been defeated instead of making excuse after excuse as to why they lost. Of course though, I would truly love to hear these excuses, both new and old, come November because obviously that would mean they (Democrats) were not as successful as they said they would be.