Friday, September 29, 2006

A Democrat wanting to use the RELIGIOUS Golden RULE...and still cannot quote it right.

“This is a time when the Golden rule should be in effect. Do not unto others, what you would not have them do unto your troops, your CIA Agents, Your People in the field.” -Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

What the hell is that suppose to mean Ms. Pelosi? To think there is a freaking possibility she will be third in line to the President if she wins this coming November? These Democrats are not interested in protecting Americans, but their interests are in protecting the terrorists.

I am tired of the Democratic Party’s thinking that we are the ones who have made the terrorists upset. These same Liberal Kooks think President Bush started the war on America from Terrorists by retaliating against the actions of 9/11, but this is just not so. These terrorists have hated Americans for a while now, just look at the different attacks by al-Qaeda during the Clinton watch and all he wanted to do was send a couple of missiles at an ‘Aspirin’ factory five years after the initial attack (WTC bombing of 1993). Oh yeah, maybe he did that to take some attention off of him and the Lewinsky scandal.

Folks, the terror tribunals are about protecting us, the Americans, from the terrorists. The terrorists are our enemies, why do we need to be nice to them? For those who think if we leave them alone, they will leave us alone, you are an ignorant dumb ass. Their goal is to kill every American that does not convert, with the slogan being, “Convert or die” and these Democrats think we need to be nice. Fuck being nice.


At September 29, 2006 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tired of the Republican Party not understanding what we are saying. Show them a better way and they will freely tell us what they know there is no need to hurt them.

At September 29, 2006 1:10 PM, Blogger Diego said...

If someone tried killing you, would you defend yourself or let them kill you? If you say you would defend yourself, why is that? There is no need to hurt the person trying to kill you. <---from your logic.

At September 29, 2006 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa are they going to hurt we allready riped them out of there home country. they are no longer a threat to our way of life.

At September 29, 2006 1:48 PM, Blogger Diego said...

I take it you are talking about Club Gitmo? If so, you're damn right they (those in Club Gitmo) are not a threat because they're locked up. But we have Democrats who think those in Club Gitmo should be set free, they will go on their merry way and leave us alone and that is not the case.

Terrorist will not stop until they have achieved their ultimate goal, complete annihilation of the U.S.

At September 29, 2006 4:37 PM, Blogger RenaRF said...

Hey - I'm a liberal and wrote about the Golden Rule way before Pelosi brought it up.


At September 29, 2006 4:38 PM, Blogger RenaRF said...

Shoot - wrong link. Sorry - link at my blog at:

Scroll down to "It's a Question of the Golden Rule".

At September 29, 2006 7:02 PM, Blogger The Tip Blog said...

"whoa are they going to hurt we allready riped them out of there home country"

Look Anonymous...first of all, learn how to spell and use the correct form of "their".

Second, we did not "rip" them out of their home country. They still have it. We ousted a dictator who ruled through fear. We're now there to keep the peace and pull out when they have the ability to continue that mission on their own.

I'd like to see you live in Iraq under Saddam's rule. Want to revolt? What to disobey what he says? Say goodbye to your life. That is, right after you see your wife and children say goodbye to theirs.

And in relation to your first comment, show who a better way? The terrorist? There is no need to hurt them? Bullshit! Without us hunting them and keeping them on the move, they'll be able to get comfortable, escalate operations, and put things into motion to prepare another attack much more easily than on the run.

There is a need to hurt them, else we find them hurting us first. Remember, they are the ones with the crazy jihad mentality. We believe in freedom and justice, trial by jury.

They believe that if you don't convert to their faith, they kill you. That's it.

Which lifestyle do you prefer?

At September 30, 2006 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im pretty sure no one suggested that the prisoners at gitmo be set free. my comments about this remain the same...i dont agree with fighting these *terrorists* by lowering ourselves to the same torturous tactics they use. you are talking about a group of people who truly believe if they die for this cause they will have an eternal life greater than they could ever imagine. if they believe in this so much that they are willing to cover their bodies with explosives and walk into crowded buildings (and this in fact brings HONOR to themselves and their families) what makes you think they would give up any information because an american *tortures* them? now, we are simply no better than they are.


At September 30, 2006 4:11 PM, Blogger The Tip Blog said...

Wait a minute, who says we "torture" them?

We do not "kidnap" them.

We do not cut their heads off on television.

We don't demand they convert their religion.

Ok, so we've had a few bad apples out there embarrass the heck out of them and put them together naked at Abu Ghraib.

Sometimes Americans go crazy when they are in a foreign country with everything they have left behind (including their families, freedoms, and possessions) so far away...and in a war zone. I'd like to see your mental state if you were in Iraq. It's not pretty, let me assure you.

Now, if by "torture", you are referring to interrogation techniques, I know that from an Army standpoint, nothing we do is illegal, and that is stressed by our chain of command. Let me point out a video by the Commander of the US Army Intelligence Center, MG Barbara Fast:

I could view it from a military domain at work, but can't view it from my home network (probably because it's foreign in Korea), but check it out. We use humane tactics...we don't abuse them.

Don't believe everything you hear on the news either. As this website has pointed out before, they can be wrong.

Remember, they want to bring you the most gruesome of stories to keep you glued to their TV. It's all about ratings and making money.

We don't torture. They are the ones killing with bombs and ruling VIA FEAR! Not us, so please don't say that again. Our troops are in harms way, not them.

At September 30, 2006 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like limbaugh talking points, too dumb to come up with your own?


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