Will Murtha blame it on Election fraud???...
Big news came out of
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Big news came out of
So I have been sitting back the last couple of days just taking everything in and reflecting on everything that went wrong with the Republican Party and the November 7th Election.
To be honest I am still in shock that the American public was so ignorant to actually put the Democratic Party in control of both the House and the Senate. What is this great American society that we live in coming to? The next two years, as I've said before, will be the make or break for the Democrats/Liberals. If they are unable to be successful, it will be a quick two and out, however, if they are successful one has to wonder the approaches and Party Platforms they will be using.It wasn't that long ago, back in the summer actually, that Nancy Pelosi was calling for the Impeachment of President George W. Bush and now she is talking about working things out between Democrats and the White House. It wasn't that long ago that Charlie Rangel was talking about eliminating the tax breaks that President Bush had put forth for our country. Now he is backing off such talks, pondering whether or not the reversal would be beneficial.What this tells me is that the Democrats did not truly believe they would win come November and now are scared shitless that they actually need to deliver upon the platforms that won them control.I must say though, I am glad we've got the 'right' group in control, you know the ones that are going to bring this Country peace and harmony because they can be Diplomatic to these savages. All I can say is,"Good luck Democrats, enjoy your two years and be prepared to get the Hell out!