Saturday, September 09, 2006

Effects of 9/11 (Part III)

This is the third and final tribute to the victims and victims’ families of 9/11. I started writing this and I have decided to change my approach to attempt to answer the questions put forth by Darwin pertaining to the first 9/11 blog. Hopefully this can give more insight to how I feel and I hope more of you will comment to show people like Darwin that we support our Commander-in-Chief and most importantly our Country.

Let’s start at the beginning with George Bush and his administration. Cranky Right put it best when he documented that Dubya had only been in office for a total of Two Hundred Thirty-Four days when we were attacked. Calling his administration helpless is hardly even fathomable let alone absurd especially when you consider how the United States was affected by al-Qaeda, remember 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000.

As for the bin Laden connection, everyone knows that there were many of Osama bin Laden’s family here in the United States and yes they were flown out of the country on private jets, but Osama is the odd ball out in his family. Thus, you were correct when you said I would probably use the word “Black Sheep” and I will, because that is what he is. There was a comment made that Bush could have gotten bin Laden, but let me ask the question, what about Clinton? Again, Cranky Right makes an excellent point with his question about the Butterfly Effect.

For the report that just came out, when did Bush ever say that al-Qaeda had connections with Saddam Hussein? Democrats are trying to undermine our President and this country while complaining about a “Docudrama” literally slamming the Democratic Party. With that said, two years ago Michael Moore came out with Fahrenheit 9/11 and Moore became the “Rock star” of the DNC. Then the (Michael Moore) movie was seen as Freedom of Speech, but this docudrama needs to be censored out, what is the deal?

For the War on Terrorism, how about rooting for our side you freaking Liberal moron? In all honesty, that is beside the point and what it comes down to is that five years ago we were dealt a huge blow. We need to continue to support our President, our Nation, our Troops the same way we did immediately following 9/11 and re-unite as “One Nation under God”.


At September 10, 2006 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to give my appreciation for three blogs written about Sept. 11th. The writings hit the nail on the head with how I feel as an American, well said, well said.

At September 11, 2006 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you conservatives so closed minded? When the evidence is right in front of you, you ignore it. Instead, you would believe the Commander in Chief over the Congress or official CIA documents. Thank God, I do not stand with Bush.

At September 11, 2006 6:35 AM, Blogger Diego said...

What evidence would that be? Please elaborate and be specific.

At September 11, 2006 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank God that George Bush is our president. Can you imagine what your life would be like if "President Gore" had been in office 5 years ago. It wouldn't be pretty.

Oh, and what about the stuff that Clinton ignored while his attention was focused, uh, elsewhere...


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