Monday, October 02, 2006

That's going to leave a Mark...

The announcement of Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) resignation over scandalous e-mail and text messages has dealt the Republican Party a huge and possible devastating blow just a few short weeks before the upcoming November mid-term elections.

Foley was considered the favorite to win the November 7th Election until e-mails surfaced a few days ago pertaining to e-mail and instant messages sent by Foley to male pages. The latest word on Foley today is that the Congressman has checked himself into a rehabilitation center to help fight alcoholism.

To make matters worse, apparently the GOP have known about this e-mail sex scandal since 2005 and have done nothing to bring attention to the unethical behavior of Foley. This does not look good for the Republican Party as this can be a huge turnaround for the Democratic Party and their bid for winning back the House and the Senate.

The media a long with Democrats have been pushing topics such as the war in Iraq, Bush lying about the war efforts, decreasing of gasoline prices controlled by the Republican Party, etc. in an attempt to tarnish the public image of the Republican Party, however, this may do more harm than any of the conspiracy tactics used previously.


At October 02, 2006 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dem's surely knew of this, too. From what I gather it was fairly common knowledge on Capitol Hill. Isn't it timed just perfectly? Now there is no time to replace him on the ballot, but there is plenty of time to cast a shadow on the Rep party at election time.

Rush made some very good points this am, if I may paraphrase. Libs embrace and encourage sexuality of teens and alternative lifestyles. They say we can't keep kids from having sex, so teach them to do it safely. [Email & IM are about as "safe" as sex can get. Think about how lucky we would be if all teenagers did was talk about sex. Angel] Homosexuality is OK, and everyone should have an open mind about those of different sexual orientations. Why would they be offended by teenagers having electronic conversations containing sexual comments of a homosexual nature? Is it only because a Republican was involved? I think it's that plus the pediphile aspect.

My own addition to this train of logic, however is that these same liberals think that a 16 or 17 year old girl can make a decision about having a surgical procedure (ie, abortion) without parental consent, and therefore she must be capable of making sound and responsible decisions. Why then would this same teenager's judgement not be adequate in deciding with whom to engage in sexual talk and/or activities? Teenagers are reknown for their supreme decision making capabilities.

What about the Mass. Dem. representative who had sex with a teenaged male page a couple of years back? He went past words and had actual sex with the kid. That got such little press, I can't even remember his name.

Now, don't think that I am trying to justify what Foley or the Rep leadership did. I think it was disgusting & inappropriate on so many levels. He is a sick person and a "dirty old man." Sexually oriented comments directed at anyone over whom you have a managerial or leadership role is inappropriate, regardless of age. It's called sexual harassment. Making these comments to kids is just plain wrong.

I also think that the leadership was irresponsible. They should have outed him when they found out and got a good replacement. Now they're gonna get that replacement alright. A Dem.

At October 04, 2006 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, was my post soooo good that no one has anything to add?


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