Tuesday, October 31, 2006

If you're so smart, how come Bush outscored you??...

John Kerry is back in the news with his most recent comment, “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

I am trying to understand this man, John Kerry, who was almost the President of the United States of America in 2004. First off, Kerry told a crowd of supporters that he would kick the Republican’s asses from one side of the Nation to the other, then he was telling the Liberal Media that everyone deserves a second chance, hmmm…that sounds like a Liberal slogan, “He only raped, beat and killed the woman, give him a second chance, we need more Public School teachers!”

He went from being cocky to being insecure to now attempting to gain support from the Bush haters. Will this work or simply backfire just like the 2004 Presidential Plan that we are still waiting on him to disclose to the public?

Now our men and women serving in the military joined by choice, maybe that’s why Kerry is so bent out of shape because he had no say in his military career, he was drafted. President Bush commented on Kerry’s comments with, “Our troops did not enlist because they did not study hard in school or do their homework.”

Looking at President Bush, he is the 1st MBA President the U.S. has ever had, but listening to Liberals he is a plain ole idiot. Then we hear how he is the mastermind behind the “Right-wing Conspiracy” plan. How did he go from being an idiot to being smart enough to be a mastermind?

Liberals’ opinion of President Bush is much like the weather, both change on a daily basis and both tend to change more frequently depending upon the season. Democrats in November are exactly like the Weather, both get Cold and Frigid this time of year.

Kerry later on said that “I apologize to no one for my criticism of the President and of his broken policy.” This is coming from the very man who considers President Bush out of touch with the American Society? How does Kerry expect to gain support for himself and his “Cut and Run” policy?

To John Kerry he has become above our armed services especially in spewing out these outlandish insults, yet the repercussions of his words might not be felt now, but I am sure they will hit him full force about this time of the year in 2008.


At November 01, 2006 3:14 AM, Blogger The Tip Blog said...

Senator Kerry's speech infuriated me. This “Senator” of the United States gravely insulted every member of the military which has spent 231 years (Army—other branches are younger) protecting this great nation. He’s insulted us all, including the fresh out of high school private that has entered the military looking to serve his country, gain job experience, and get a stepping stone for a better future; and also insulted all of those up to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Peter Pace.

Let me share General Pace’s education:
A 1967 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, he holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from George Washington University and attended Harvard University for the Senior Executives in National and International Security program. The General is also a graduate of the Infantry Officers' Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Ga.; the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, in Quantico, VA; and the National War College, at Ft. McNair, Washington, DC.

Source: United States Department of Defense, Washington D.C.

Additionally, we have educated people on the enlisted side of the house. Many soldiers from E4 to E9 also have degrees. Just as an example, below is link to a Command Sergeant Major who holds an Associate in Applied Science Degree from Jefferson Community College and graduated with honors, as well as a Bachelor of Science Degree from Excelsior College, again graduating with honors.

Source: Army Medical Department, Ft. Stewart, GA

So, “Senator” Kerry, apparently intelligence people are in the military. I also consider myself intelligent. I graduated 5th in my class with a 3.9 GPA. I studied hard and did my homework. I was also Vice President of my class. I went to college and have continued my education, but I didn’t go full time out of high school because I was bored. But apparently that made me stupid according to Kerry. Thank you “Senator”.

I’m VERY glad that unappreciative politican was NOT elected the President of the United States. I fear we’d be catering to our enemies, changing stances on issues like crazy (remember all of the flip-flops?), and we’d play politics--"he said she said"--way too much.

Bush, on the other hand, takes FIRM action in what he believes in. He does NOT give in. America elected him, and many of us still stand by him, as he is our nation’s President.

So, to John Kerry, you lost the last time, suckah. I advise you to not run again unless you want to get humiliated. You’re also a disgrace to this nation and should not be a Senator of the United States. Let someone who knows what service is serve our nation from the political standpoint. We all know you can’t.

At November 01, 2006 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sort of forgot about how much I disliked John "Can I get me a hunting license here?" Kerry until yesterday. I'm glad he reminded me about that.

He says he "botched the joke." What sort of pretentious and haughty joke was this suppose to be? Oh maybe one that us simpletons wouldn't be able to understand -- a joke only understood in his elite circle of himself.

Sheesh he can't even lie good.

At November 02, 2006 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I think it's blatantly clear what Kerry thinks about our military.

"I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote in a 1972 candidate questionnaire from a Massachusetts peace group. (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20061102/D8L4QH580.html)

And to think this guy was close to becoming the commander in chief.


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