Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rush Limbaugh- America's Real Anchorman...

I have searched various blogs tonight as I listened to the rain and a very popular topic has been one of my favorite Americans Rush Limbaugh and his critique of the entire Michael J. Fox twitchity twitch fiasco for the Democratic Party.

I am tired of the name calling in regards to Rush, tired of hearing how horrible he is and how much of a drug addict he is. Folks, Limbaugh called a Spade a Spade and then the blogs I found wanted to accuse Limbaugh of the very tactics Liberals use in everyday life. Now you, the Conservative-Majority reader, are obviously smart enough to realize that Conservatives when dealt with debate like to rely upon facts and reasoning to strengthen their debate. Liberals like to use how they “feel” and what they “think”, yet Limbaugh and we, Conservatives, are being accused of relying upon the very tactics that are commonly used by the Liberals in our society. I mean look at the ‘Drive-by media’ and the reporting done in regards to the upcoming election which is less than two weeks away.

What we are hearing is an obviously blatant attempt to negatively affect the minds as well as the voter turnout of the Republican Party supporters. To see some of the kook-ism I am writing of, feel free to check out the following sites and voice your Conservative opinions…

Kook-ism # 1
Kook-ism # 2


At October 26, 2006 4:38 AM, Blogger Diego said...

What in the hell are you talking about being afraid? Especially with this coming from a person who thinks we can have PEACE from Good Intentions and not in STRENGTH.

You Kook, didn't you learn from Jimmy Carter it will not work. Keep on giving your Leftist sound byte talking points.

FYI- To those Conservative-Majority Readers who go to his site, if you make him look like an uneducated tool, he will threaten to ban you from his site.

At October 26, 2006 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was listening to Rush when he was talking about this on Monday. He did not make fun of anybody, he stated facts. Rush read straight out of MJF's bio and made the comment that he wouldn't be surprised if he pulled the same type of stunt here. He pointed out the inaccuracies in the ad. The lib media is taking things out of context and distorting facts.

Why am I not surprised this is happening? Because the old media & the libs can't report accurately if it doesn't agree with their views.

Why isn't anyone but Rush calling MJF & McCaskill on the fact that the ad is full of lies? MJF does not get a free pass just because he has an illness. Rush sure didn't get one when it came to his chronic pain & opiod dependency.

I don't watch network TV, so I haven't seen any of his little sitcoms or series since Family Ties. I hope he realizes though by opening his mouth, his career can go the way of the dixie chicks.

At October 26, 2006 8:27 AM, Blogger Diego said...

Angel, very well put...

I am in St. Louis now waiting for the World Series game tonight and heard on a local radio station this playback...

A representative for a television station in Missouri was talking about how Senator Jim Talent's ads are not being played on this particular station because they are full of lies...

Promptly, the KMOX radio announcer asked if he has checked out Claire McCaskills' ads and the representative said that he had not had the chance...

The KMOX announcer then said, "Good, because I have..." Apparently Claire McCaskill was taking credit for voting on a 1990 budget veto, however, all records indicate that she wasn't even a legislator in 1990.

The McCaskill team said, "Whoops, we made a slight clerical error..." in making ad campaigns (to slam Talent).

The problem with all of this is, this is who the Liberals are. They falsify what they have done to only better themselves, forget honesty, just get me elected is their mentality. They do not care who they lie to or who they hurt to get what they want. It's all about the vote, constituents dead or alive, they want the support.

Here is the news article I found when doing a Google search pertaining to the playback clip.

At October 26, 2006 12:20 PM, Blogger Diego said...

Now that is funny, you talk about me going on your site, yet you're coming here justifying yourself? Why? Could it be that you truly feel the need? Guilt does do that to a person.

Next, Wanna make a wager that your good intentions would get you shot while you did your cut and run tactics? Cut and running may have helped you dodge bullies in High School, but we're not dealing with High School bullies who want your lunch money. These people want to kill you and me because we are Americans.

At October 26, 2006 11:00 PM, Blogger Diego said...

I second that notion Cranky...all in favor say "I"!!!!!

At October 27, 2006 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Ayes have it. Motion carries.


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