Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nifty, Nifty...LOOK what's FIFTY!

Today was the first day back to school for many in my area and it made me think about how much our society has changed. Primarily our school system was the first thought to creep into my mind as I was driving to work this morning, noticing all of the children standing in line waiting on that big yellow bus to carry them away to an Institute of Higher Liberal learning.

Seeing these children, ages 6-13 years old, made me reminisce to the days of old. I remember being giddy the night before school started, being unable to sleep, or even count sheep because the sheep were just as excited as I was. Going into school on that first day was so exhilarating, seeing friends that you had not seen in what seemed like for years, but was only really a couple of months. And then that first bell would rang and we would assemble together in our classes, stand by our pre-determined desk and gaze at the most beautiful object ever. The American Flag. Then all in unisons we would recite the "Pledge of Allegiance".

Great memories, but unfortunately my children nor yours will ever have the joys that we had growing up. Being an American was something to be proud of and now our children are taught that we are the big, bad bully. They have taken the words "under God" out of our schools and this made me think about the motto that is on our paper currency, "In God We Trust" and in fact, recently President George W. Bush gave a speech pertaining to this topic and how this motto celebrated its 50th year of being in existence.

I hope you enjoy the speech.

On the 50th anniversary of our national motto, "In God We Trust," we reflect on these words that guide millions of Americans, recognize the blessings of the Creator, and offer our thanks for His great gift of liberty.

From its earliest days, the United States has been a Nation of faith. During the War of 1812, as the morning light revealed that the battle-torn American flag still flew above Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key penned, "And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust!'" His poem became our National Anthem, reminding generations of Americans to "Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation." On July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signed the law officially establishing "In God We Trust" as our national motto.

Today, our country stands strong as a beacon of religious freedom. Our citizens, whatever their faith or background, worship freely and millions answer the universal call to love their neighbor and serve a cause greater than self.

As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of our national motto and remember with thanksgiving God's mercies throughout our history, we recognize a divine plan that stands above all human plans and continue to seek His will.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim July 30, 2006, as the 50th Anniversary of our National Motto, "In God We Trust." I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first.

Hopefully "In God We Trust will be around for another 50 years minimum, that is, as long as the Liberals do not have their way. It is a shame that our children are being guided by a misled group of our society. It is becoming known more and more each day that Conservatives are the silent majority, and Educators of our school systems are corrupting the young minds because they (Educators) typically have the Liberal mindset.

We live in a day and age that the School Administration picks and chooses the learning topics for our youth, for our children. Sadly enough the topics chosen are of a Liberal-bias and each and every pupil is being spoon-fed this misinformation in textbooks, magazines and even school newspapers. Before you go asking stupid questions though, In God We Trust, does deal with the aspect of a higher authority, a God. Except Liberals want to make the argument that we do not need to mention this word because it could offend someone. What about our children being taught about Allah in history and diversity classes, but no mention about Jesus Christ? When I read or hear, In God We Trust, it makes me proud to be an American and it brings back memories of being in that rural classroom PROUDLY saying, "One Nation Under GOD". To me, this country was based upon one God, the Alpha and Omega. Except Liberals do not want to remember this aspect of our History.


At August 03, 2006 9:48 AM, Blogger Diego said...

Cranky...the answer to your question is yes and are correct that Congress passed the Act on 22 April 1864 which changed the composition and yes "IN GOD WE TRUST" did first appear on the 1864 two-cent coin. The motto was placed on other coins and then disappeared from the five-cent coin in 1883, and did not reapper until production of the Jefferson nickel began in 1938.

Also, later on the motto was gone from the new design of the double-eagle gold coin and the eagle gold coin shortly after they appeared in 1907. However, Congress ordered it restored due to a general demand and on 18 May 1908, it became mandatory for this to be on all coins.

Where you are wrong- A law passed by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84-140) and approved by President Eisenhower on 30 July 1956, the President approved a Joint Resolution of the 84th Congress, declaring "IN GOD WE TRUST" the national motto of the United States. "IN GOD WE TRUST" was first used on paper money in 1957, when it appeared on the one-dollar silver certificate. this information can be found at and the answer to the original Motto was "E Pluribus Unum" which translates to "out of many, one". Yes, this is on the seal of the United States of America since the current design was approved by Congress on 20 June 1782. Not for sure where Bush was misinformed though.

At August 04, 2006 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what things are like in other places, but it's ridiculous for you to generalize about "liberal schools" this way. Locally, there is no great Left-wing conspiracy in the schools. Prayers are said before graduations, there are baccalaureate services every year, the pledge is said at least weekly, and Christian prayer groups (both student-led and faculty-led) meet. This is in the public school. Sorry to destroy your simplified conservative talking points.

At August 04, 2006 6:09 PM, Blogger Diego said...

First off, I would like for you to be more specific as to what "locally" is to you? Are you in Illinois, Missouri, Mississippi, Southern regions of these areas, Northern areas, etc. Please be more specific.

Next, what do the majority of people think about teachers? For me, I think of teachers such as Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds, or even Richard Dreyfuss in Mr. Holland's Opus (cannot watch that movie without shedding a tear).

That's on the big screen though, but what about in real life? To quote Ann Coulter, "these taxpayer-supported parasites are inculcating students in the precepts of the Socialist Party of America" (Godless 2006).

In 2006, an Alabama Junior High Science teacher was terminated for showing Bush-bashing videos, pornography to these students and had pornographic material on his school computer.

Or, how about in Colorado where a 10th grader taped his "World Geography" teacher ranting about Bush for twenty minutes during class? Eventually comparing Bush to Hitler.

What about true prayer in school? Where did it go? What happened to Christmas songs being sung? Now we have X-mas and Happy Chrismukkah in replace of CHRISTmas. Why? Because the Liberals are afraid of pissing someone off, hurting their feelings...OFFENDING someone.

Speaking of which, in State College, Pennsylvania, children were led in a chant of "celebrate kwanzaa" while Christmas carols were stripped of religious content. Then in Katy, Texas, christmas songs were banned all together at an elementary school. A school district in the great state of California prohibits teachers or administrators from mentioning Christmas or wearing Christmas jewelry.

The ACLU stepped in, in New Jersey and prevented a teacher from taking her class to see the Broadway version "A Christmas Carol".

Do you want me to go on with what else they have done in PUBLIC schools or do you still believe there is no "Left-wing conspiracy in schools"? I showed you examples all across the U.S. and I'm prepared to show you more.

Speaking of graduations, not too long ago (in May) a Valedictorian's speech was cut off in mid-sentence when she said, "GOD", yet you are right, there is no Liberal bias. There are baccalaureate services every year, but the Liberals have stepped in and have made them strictly by choice, it is not mandatory to attend Baccalaureate to graduate High School.

The Christian Prayer groups, you are right about, however you are wrong in the fact there is not a bias there. FFA, FCLA, MADD, SADD, they can meet during school hours to have "meetings", however, FCA or Fellowship of Christian Athletes are only permitted to meet BEFORE or AFTER school. Why do I know this, because I was the President of my School and I BUTTED HEADS with the Liberal administration.

What were you saying about destroying my simplified conservative talking points? Oh yeah, by the way...why are you using a definition (talking points) coined by a Hardcore Conservative...Rush Limbaugh?

At August 04, 2006 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot that Liberals bitch and complain if anyone and I do mean anyone mentions any kind of problem with public schools.

Let me explain something to you, Liberals want our children to be taught that they must depend upon others in our society.

Also, good teachers are not paid more is because they (Educators) focus upon employing more and more people. By putting kids in Public schools at younger ages, this does not necessarily help the child (look at test scores), but it does help the Teachers Union become larger and larger. Besides, anyone who becomes a teacher for the money is a definite IDIOT.


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