Thursday, August 10, 2006

Patience is a virtue.

In London, British police thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up U.S.-bound jetliners over the Atlantic and kill thousands. According to Yahoo! News, the plan would have been on the same or even bigger scale of 9/11, which would have involved liquid explosives concealed as sports drink bottles and common electronic devices to bring down as many as ten planes in a simultaneous air strike.

The bombs would have been assembled on the aircrafts using a peroxide-based solution detonated by such devices as disposable cameras or music players. Thus far, twenty-four people have been arrested and five more people are being sought after. The suspects were believed to be primarily British Muslims, some of Pakistani descent.

Here is the real puzzling piece of this story. Passengers who are being delayed because of this are irritated that they have more and more security checkpoints to go through. One gentleman was quoted as saying, "My family and I have been going on vacation for 3 years now and right now, I'd rather be at home...” Then there is a woman from Michigan flying to London who said, "They (Airport Security) confiscated my iPOD music player and now I have an eight hour delay with no iPOD."

What is up with these people? I know if I was boarding a flight following these events, I would want to make sure that the flight was safe and good to go. How can these people have such selfish attitudes when it comes to their safety as well as others? It's amazing to me that the media always seem to find the most idiotic, uneducated individuals in the crowd and interview them. Have Americans forgotten what happened almost five years ago? Terrorism has become a way of life for us and the rest of the World, it's time to accept and realize this.


At August 11, 2006 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Security at the airport is a hassle. Standing in line, having someone rummage through your underwear in front of a crowd of gawkers, the metal detectors that pick up the underwire in your bra, and the list goes on. Geez. What a pain.

I have one thing to say to these people that harass us--thank you.

Now, what would be nice is if they would do some profiling and search the 25 yo Arabic guy behind me instead of say a blonde with snow white skin scantily clad (by muslim standards) in a miniskirt, flip flops, and tank top . Hmmm. Which of us is more likely to be a terrorist? Take your time to think about it.

People still don't quite get it. It will take another 9/11 or worse to get people to wake up and smell the coffee brewed with hate and contempt. As for the punk who complained about not having an ipod--well, back when I was a kid we didn't have ipods. Walkmans were new and cool, and you had one if you were really lucky. We read or talked to someone--in person, not on the cell phone surgically attached to our ear. Get over it & grow up.


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