Friday, August 04, 2006

Will the REAL John Murtha Please Stand up...Please STAND UP!


I would like to introduce to you, John Murtha, a Democrat from Pennsylvania who has just embarked on a new tour of America. Can we have a round of applause please? Maybe you did not hear me; can we PLEASE have a round of applause?

Okay, okay...I understand where you are coming from. Alright, so let’s meet the REAL John Murtha. In case you are unaware, Murtha has decided to suspend his race to become the Majority Leader in the event that the Democrats actually capture the house this fall. This “suspension” was brought on so he could do a 41 race “Cut-And-Run” tour of the United States. For Murtha this will result in a 100% increase from what he did tour wise in 2004. Two years ago, he did absolutely zero campaigns for House candidates.

Now, let’s go to the area of Murtha in which he has fluctuated his ideas in the recent past. First, Murtha supported the use of force against Saddam Hussein in 1991 AND 2002, then in 2005, Murtha called for an “immediate redeployment” of our troops to get out of Iraq. He was quoted as saying, “I believe before the Iraqi elections, scheduled for mid-December, the Iraqi people and the emerging government must be put on notice. The United States will immediately redeploy” (CNN’s “Live Event,” 17 Nov 2005).

Now, let’s flash forward to just in the last two months with Murtha declaring, “We can’t win this, we are causing the problem” (Congressional Record, 15 Jun 2006). Does this not seem like an issue to the American people? The derogatory comments, such pessimism towards our actions in the Middle East and we want him to help lead us? What is this society that we live in, coming too?

On CNN, Murtha later commented that he was not sure that the American troops actually made a difference in the death of Zarqawi, stating he was not sure, “they[Military] couldn’t have done it from outside”. How freaking pathetic? That’s what I have a hard time understanding, everyone is demeaning the decisions made by the Bush administration and then still try to demean the administration even after a huge impact is made that greatly favors the decision of Dubya and his crew. What happened to fully supporting our Commander-In-Chief? Of course, I think that went down the drain after the Clinton years.

The latest news on Murtha involves the Democrat defaming Marine Corps Staff sergeant, Frank D. Wuterich, who led the Marine squad accused of killing two dozen civilians in Haditha, Iraq, stating, “the Marine unit cracked after a roadside bomb killed one of its members and that the troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood”.

The suit could have a very interesting legal ramification due to the fact that Wuterich nor the other members of his squad have not been charged and have not received any official investigative documentation about the 19 November incident.

I personally think that Murtha has seen better days and I hope like hell the American people are smart enough not to believe this hog slop he is feeding everyone. Here’s to Diana Irey for the upcoming election. In fact, if you want to help her out, you can make donations or volunteer to help her campaign at


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