Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bush stays with word...vetos Stem Cell Research

I wanted to post a link, have you read the story and get your thoughts and opinions on the story. The article is about George W. Bush coming through with his promise to veto Stem Cell Research.


At July 20, 2006 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There the lib headlines go again. Bush did not veto all stem cell research.

Bush is doing exactly what his base wants, no matter how the media--including the front page of the SEMissourian, slants it. Justifying abortion to harvest tissue is just what the lib's want us to do. Wrong is wrong, regarless of the situation. I'm tired of people whining that the only reason that someone is against embryonic stem cell research is because they don't have a certain disorder that might be treated from this therapy someday.

There are a couple of problems here:
1.) Adult stem cells and cord stem cells offer much more hope and have had many more results than embryonic stem lines. They are easy to harvest, we have an endless supply, and no one dies. Take it from a prolifer in the medical field, this is where you put your money.

2.) Morals are not situational. I know the libs like to bend the rules depending on what type of jam they are in, but that is wrong. Behavior is based on morals; morals are not adjusted to accommodate a desired behavior. A human life is human life, no matter how many cells that human has. From the moment the sperm penetrates the egg, those two cells combine to make one cell and a totally new, unique life is formed. When you steal the nucleus (DNA) from that cell and replace it with the DNA of another cell (somatic tranfer), then you destroy the original cell. That new and unique life no longer exists. Any Dr. Seuss fans out there who have read Horton Hears a Who? Horton got it right when he said, "A person's a person, no matter how small." What else can I say?

Bottom Line: Embryonic stem cell/Somatic transfer: BAD, kills little one cell babies. Adult and cord stem cells: no harm only good, better research results.



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